Lecture ‘Coöperatief wonen door de ogen van de architect’, Architectuurwijzer, C-mine Genk
Open for Maintenance/ Wegen Umbau geöffnet - Biennale Architettura 2023
curatorial team: Anne Femmer, Franziska Gödicke, Juliane Greb, Christian Hiller, Petter Krag, Melissa Makele, Anh-Linh Ngo, Florian Summa
location: Giardini della Biennale, Venice, Italy

Catalogue: https://archplus.net/de/archiv/ausgabe/252/
Instagram: @germanpavilionvenice

Open for Maintenance is not an exhibition. It is an action framework for a building culture beyond the prevailing model hinging on the exploitation of resources and humans. The spotlight is put on previously used materials gathered from over 40 national pavilions and exhibitions at the 2022 Art Biennale, as well as on a broad network of Venetian and German activist groups. By carefully working with the existing—in material, social, and urban terms—the German Pavilion renders visible processes of spatial and social care work which are usually kept hidden.
Open for Maintenance squats and maintains the German Pavilion “as found,” including Maria Eichhorn’s contribution Relocating a Structure for the 2022 Art Biennale. In this way, the Art and Architecture Biennales become spatially and programmatically interwoven for the first time. The new architectural interventions are oriented towards local needs and include a ramp for accessibility, an ecological and nondiscriminatory bathroom, a space for meetings, a kitchenette, a material repository, and a workshop. The interventions, made entirely with materials salvaged from the 2022 Art Biennale, address questions of social and spatial inclusion in addition to resource issues. Open for Maintenance transforms the monumental German Pavilion into a living place of (re)production. Assisting various groups from civil society, university students and crafts apprentices will help to maintain, repair, and care for social infrastructures across Venice as part of the Maintenance 1:1 workshop program. Designing with the unpredictable—be it the unknown availability of materials or the open-ended participatory processes—generates creative possibilities that spell an optimistic outlook for architecture while simultaneously contributing to its regeneration as a social practice.

year: 2021 - ongoing
use: private house
location: Ghent
country: Belgium

The semi-attached house situated between a quiet street on the outskirts of Ghent and a popular birdwatching nature reservoir is standing shoulder to shoulder as the submissive counterpart to the taller and larger neighbor house. Due to the ground conditions and several previous alterations, the construction had been weakened, resulting in it starting to tilt. Rather than demolishing the building, we decided to add a supporting structure in the form of a tower. This open steel tower serves as a new gate to the property and made it possible to relocate the entrance from the ground to the first floor. The new position of the entrance also allowed us to lift the common living areas from the dark groundfloor to the two upper floors, offering the view to the green landscape behind the house as well as providing more daylight. The house is realized with an extensive use of reused elements and materials from different buildings in the area, such as windows, doors, stairs, timber, bricks, roof tiles and even insulation.

year: 2017-2020
use: residential building with 27 units and a collective ground floor
collaborators: SUMMACUMFEMMER
location: Munich
country: Germany

‘San Riemo’ is the first housing project realised by the KOOPERATIVE GROSSSTADT, a cooperative founded in 2015. It is designed as a spatial infrastructure that allows for pluralistic forms of living within one robust basic structure. The possible plan of the apartments is outlined by concrete beams on the ceiling: room-units have a neutral size of 14 square meters – just big enough for a living room and not too lavish for a child’s room. Larger rooms are created by combining several room axes into one unit.

The large kitchen in the center of every unit is not purely a place for cooking, but at the same time a living entrance hall and large distribution space that allows for a non-hierarchic organization of the surrounding rooms. The spatial variety arises as the structural grid is filled with non-load-bearing drywalls. The residents themselves decided which grid axes should be filled with walls, how open the connections between rooms are, and where doors are positioned. By adding doors between appartments, the possibility of swapping rooms with neighbouring flats was implemented in several units. Many appartments also share larger rooms with neighbouring flats: sometimes up to 4 to 5 appartments share a common room that can be freely programmed.

The structure allows for flexibility in the near or far future: neutral room sizes, rooms that can be switched back and forth between different units, and the possibility to add or remove partition walls within the concrete skeleton. The heart of the house is an open communal area on the ground floor. This 4 metre high hall extends from the main entrance as an inner street through the whole house. It serves as a circulation space, laundry room, communal kitchen, library, stroller storage, workshop, and much more besides. On the way to the stairs and elevators you meet neighbours doing their laundry, baking cookies together and exchanging books.

San Riemo received the “DAM Preis 2022” of the Deutsches Architekturmuseum!

Workshop program of the German Pavilion at the Biennale Architettura 2023
organized by ARCH+ / SUMMACUMFEMMER / BÜRO JULIANE GREB in collaboration with the Sto-Foundation’s Venice Biennale LAB and AIT-Dialog
with RWTH Aachen, University of Antwerp, UdK Berlin, TU Berlin, TU Braunschweig, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, PBSA Düsseldorf, Università di Genova, TU Graz, HFBK Hamburg, Leibniz Universität Hannover, TU Kaiserslautern, HfG Karlsruhe, KIT Karlsruhe, KU Leuven, MSA Münster, Università Iuav di Venezia, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, ETH Zurich, as well as trades apprenticeship providers
location: Venice, Italy

Instagram: @germanpavilionvenice

During the Biennale, the curators, in cooperation with the Sto-Foundation’s Venice Biennale Lab series and AIT-Dialog, organized a workshop program that seeks to prove a fundamental idea of Open for Maintenance: Only a social turn in architecture will lead us to sustainable practice. For the program, architecture students and apprentices of the trades work with local organizations on specific projects in Venice that focus on the care, repair, and maintenance of existing buildings, as well as valorization and recognition of the work involved. Participants will upgrade sanitary facilities, build ramps, design furniture for the community, paint fences, and repair roofs.
The program supports existing material and social (infra)structures counteracting the negative effects of Venice’s commercialization and actively promoting the social inclusion of underprivileged groups. The fully equipped workshop and material repository in the German Pavilion serve as a productive infrastructure and a starting point for the interventions around the city. The participants live together during the workshops’ duration, promoting dialogue which will be consolidated by a networking event in the fall of 2023.

RENOVATE A SQUATTED FLAT, Laboratorio Occupato Morion with Sto-Stiftung, Verband Farbe Gestaltung Bautenschutz Hessen, Fachschule Farbtechnik Hamburg, Staatliche Fachschule für Farbe und Gestaltung München, Ferdinand Braun Schule, Fulda – Staatliche Fachschule für Farb- und Lacktechnik, Wilhelm-Ostwald-Schule, Berlin – Oberstufenzentrum für Gestaltung, Fachschule Farb- und Lacktechnik Hildesheim, Schule für Farbe und Gestaltung, Stuttgart

BUILDING A BAR, at Laboratorio Climatico Pandora with Centro Sociale Rivolta Marghera and Sozialgenossenschaft Bellevue di Monaco, Munich

BUILDING A MOBILE TICKET BOOTH, at Campo Sportive Jacopo Reggio Lido with RWTH Aachen and IUAV Venezia

Implementing a Waterless Sanitary Infrastructure at S.a.L.E. Docks, Venice with Demo Working Group and students of MSA Münster, PBSA Düsseldorf, IUAV Venice

location: Dorsoduro, Venice, Italy

In a collective process, students from PBSA Düsseldorf, MSA Münster and Università luav di Venezia design, plan, and implement an inclusive waterless sanitary infrastructure for S.a.L.E Docks, an independent space for art and political activism in Venice.

Since 2007, the abandoned salt warehouse has been squatted by a group of activists and is now run by volunteer cultural workers, artists, and students. S.a.L.E. Docks seeks to reverse the processes of privatization of the arts by addressing a number of unresolved problems: the relationship between cultural capital and increasing precarity, the neoliberal use of art as a means to contain critical imagination and thinking, as well as the interdependency of art, finance, real estate, and gentrification.

Like many other squats in Venice, S.a.L.E. docks lacks proper sanitary infrastructure; access to municipal services is conditioned on legal tenancy or ownership. The project is therefore based on a waterless system and be realized with left-over material from the Biennale Arte 2022. Students experiment in planning without exact knowledge of the available material as well as dealing with the social issues connected to the topic of personal hygiene, like dis_ability and gender and race.

REPAIRING A COMMUNITY CENTER at Portineria di Quartiere Mestre with Biennale Urbana Venice, ETICity Venice, Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau, UdK Berlin and IUAV Venezia


MAINTAINING EXISTING COMMUNAL SPACES in Santa Marta with Assemblea Social per la Casa Venezia, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Stadt. Berufsschule für Holztechnik und Innenausbau Munich and IUAV Venezia

BELLE ETTAGE BELLE ALTANA at S.a.L.E. Docks with KU Leuven and IUAV Venezia

CREATING A MEETING PLACE at Campo Sportivo Jacopo Reggio Lido with ETH Zürich, Universiteit Antwerpen and IUAV Venezia


MAINTAINING THE GERMAN PAVILION with Alanus Hochschule Alfter and IUAV Venezia

MAINTAINING SPACES FOR WINEMAKING at San Michele Island with Laguna net Bicchiere Venice, RWTH Aachen and IUAV Venezia

REPAIRING A SOCCER CLUB at Campo Sportivo Jacopo Reggio Lido, RPTU Kaiserslautern and IUAV Venezia

SPREAD THE READING PROJECT on Giudecca Island with Rebiennale/R3B, RPTU Kaiserslautern and IUAV Venezia

REPAIRING A SHIPYARD at Cantiere Nautico Casaril with Università di Genova, AdbK Munich and IUAV Venezia

PUBLIC DESIGN SUPPORT at Casette neighborhood with Assemblea Sociale per la Casa Venezia, HFBK Hamburg and IUAV Venezia

MAINTAINING A COMMUNITY GARDEN in Santa Marta with Assemblea Sociale per la Casa Venezia, Leibniz Universität Hannover and IUAV Venezia

RENOVATING A COMMON MEETING SPACE at Spazio Punch with Baukreisel e.V. Berlin, TU Graz, KIT Karlsruhe and IUAV Venezia

RESTORING A BOAT at FAP Cantiere Nautico with Il Viaggio di Scoperta Venice, TU Graz and IUAV Venezia


UTOPIA AS PRACTICE with HfG Karlsruhe, HfK Bremen, ABK Stuttgart and IUAV Venezia

LA CASA DI MARTINA at Casette neighborhood with Assemblea Sociale per la Casa Venezia, Rio Terà dei Pensieri Venice, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, TU Darmstadt and IUAV Venezia

AS FOUND with Laboratorio Climatico Pandora Mestre, Universiteit Antwerpen and IUAV Venezia


REPAIRING AT THE EDGE OF A CLOISTER with Associazione Chiostro a Sant’Elena, Laguna nel Bicchiere Venice, UdK Berlin and IUAV Venezia

DESIGN TO COMFORT with Centro Sociale Rivolta, Associazione Red Carpet For All, TU Braunschweig and IUAV Venezia

REPAIR + CARE SERVICE with Laboratorio Climatico Pandora Mestre, Universität Siegen and IUAV Venezia

year: 2018-2021
use: coffee roasters and wood workshop
location: Ghent
country: Belgium

VDK&C4 factory is a common work-, production- and above all meeting place for two small companies. The project is situated on the outskirts of the city on an industrial site dominated by concrete industrial halls. Without denying the context, the building on the prominent corner plot tries to counteract the anonymity of the surrounding buildings, creating a recognizable “place”. By shifting color, composition and form, typical elements and materials from contemporary industrial construction are abstracted, so that they acquire a new peculiar character. Heart of the building is a triangular courtyard, which breaks the rational rectangular shed, creating a collective meeting space and providing the interior spaces around with light and a view into the greenery. The garden divides the building into three parts: the joinery, the coffee roaster and a storage area. On top of the lower storage area is a communal roof terrace, which can be used by both parties.

year: 2017-2020
use: clubhouse
collaborators: DEMO WORKING GROUP
location: Cologne
country: Germany

Located in the fields on the edge of the city, Meschenisch is a place strongly associated with its large-scale housing development from the seventies – which became famous for its severe social problems in the past. The Sport Club Meschenisch, as a meetingpoint for children and young people is of great importance for the social integration of a huge diversity of cultural and social backgrounds. Despite the extremely tight, publicly funded budget, the new clubhouse presents itself confidently and optimistically and offers a clear identification for the young people and adults of the neighborhood. The compact and wheelchair accessible building offers changing rooms, sanitary facilities, offices, and a multifunctional club room inside. A wide outside staircase offers space for spectators of the football game.

year: 2014- ongoing
use: private house
location: Ghent
country: Belgium

year: 2021 - ongoing
use: private house
location: Ghent
country: Belgium

year: 2016
use: coffee shop
location: Ghent
country: Belgium

year: 2007 
use: gallery
location: Molde
country: Norway


Büro Juliane Greb, an architectural practice based in Ghent, was founded in 2015 by Juliane Greb (°1985) and has been run in partnership with Petter Krag (°1978) since 2017.

The office is dedicated to an anti-exclusive architecture, which is accessible in a social, physical and emotional sense.

In 2022, Büro Juliane Greb and Summacumfemmer were awarded the DAM Architecture Prize for their cooperative housing project “San Riemo” in Munich-Riem. The practice recently received recognition in Belgium with the project VDK&Cube4 factory, featured in the Flanders Architectural Review.

In addition to her architectural practice, Juliane Greb has contributed to the theoretical discourse on affordable and community-oriented housing, including on the editorial team of ARCH+. In recent years she has been teaching at the UAntwerp, TU Delft, PBSA Düsseldorf and is holding a Visiting Professorship at RWTH Aachen.

Juliane Greb and Petter Krag together with ARCH+ and Summacumfemmer have been selected to curate the German pavilion at the 18th Biennale Architettura di Venezia in 2023. The exhibition “Open for Maintenance / Wegen Umbau geöffnet” ​is set to explore topics such as repair, maintenance, and care, as well as new alliances and forms of solidarity in architectural practice.


Collaborators: Ieva Bagdonaite, Noémie Crick, Lina Etzkorn, Neja Haebler, Anna Hugot, Olaf Koulen, Vittorio Romieri, Luisa Schumann



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Lecture, Oslo arkitektforening, February 2025

Architectuurwijzer, ‘Coöperatief wonen door de ogen van de architect’, C-mine Genk, February 2025

RWTH Aachen, Lecture Series “Suppengespräche”, June 2024

Symposium “Broken World Building – Future prospects for a Fragile Architecture”, Copenhagen, May 2024

C I.II.III.IV. A, “In Practice”, May 2024

Rotterdamse Academie van Bouwkunst, May 2024

Technical University Vienna, Lecture Series “Building Theory and Culture”, November 2023

East Bavarian technical University of Applied Sciences, Lecture Series “Halle A Lectures“, November 2023

RPTU Kaiserslautern, Conference “Wege zur Bauwende“, September 2023

Archipel Gent, “Collectief wonen, anders wonen?”, May 2023

Symposium Mass Support: Flexibility and Resident Agency in Housing, April 2023

PBSA Düsseldorf, Lecture Series Citylab, April 2023

Civic Design Conference, The Non-Sexist City, December 2022

KU Leuven Seminar “Can property be architectural”, December 2022

San Riemo, Seminar Urban Base LUH Hannover, June 2022

Baukulturwerkstatt Dortmund, December 2021

Two for One, TU Kaiserslautern, December 2021

Werkvortrag Studio Integral Architecture TU Graz, June 2021

San Riemo – 33 Erkundungen BAU ONLINE Kongress München , January 2021

Werkvortrag Gasthaus RWTH Aachen, December 2020

San Riemo „Wie wir leben wollen“ Architektenkammer Hamburg, October 2020

Werkvortrag RWTH Aachen, May 2018


01.10.2024 – 01.10.2025 Visiting Professorship RWTH Aachen

31.03.2023 – 01.10.2023 International Visiting Professor PBSA Düsseldorf

01.02.2022 – 01.08.2022 Masterstudio TU Delft, Chair of Urban Architecture, Prof. Paul Vermeulen

15.09.2021 – today Assistant Professor University of Antwerp



Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Chair of Design and Housing, January 2024
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – Studio Maarten Gielen ROTOR, July 2022
RWTH Aachen, Lehrstuhl für Wohnbau und Entwerfen, studio M1 “Wohnwandel”, May-August 2022

KU Leuven, campus Ghent Sint Lucas, Studio Olivier Goethals & Floris De Bruyn,  January 2022

TU München, Lehrstuhl Raumkunst und Lichtgestaltung Vertretungsprofessur Reem Almannai & Florian Fischer, January 2021

RWTH Aachen, Gasthaus Lehrstuhl Raumgestaltung, December 2020

TU Darmstadt, Fachgebiet Entwerfen und Wohnungsbau Prof. Elli Mosayebi, July 2018

ETH Zürich, Departement Architektur Prof. Christian Kerez, May 2016

KU Leuven, campus Ghent Sint Lucas “Spitsweek”, March 2013

Lecture Oslo Arkitektforening, Arkitektenes hus
Lecture ‘Coöperatief wonen door de ogen van de architect’, Architectuurwijzer, C-mine Genk
Seminar “PRESENT(ING) RESOURCES”, Tab2024, Tallinn
Panel Discussion “Almost Failed”, Bauwelt, Berlin
05.07.2024 – 29.09.2024
Exhibition at Ornamenta 2024 „Schmutzige Ecke: eine Ausstellung über Kreisläufe, Nüchternheit und Schutt“, Pforzheim
Lecture Series “Suppengespräche“, RWTH Aachen
30.05.2024 – 31.05.2024
Symposium “Broken World Building – Future prospects for a Fragile Architecture”, CITA, Det Kongelige Akademi Copenhagen
Lecture “In Practice” at C I.II.III.IV. A, Brussels
Lecture at Rotterdamse Academie van Bouwkunst
Guest Critic Chair of Design and Housing, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism
BWMSTR LABEL 033: “Included as Excludable”
Lecture Series “Building Theory and Culture“ Technical University Vienna
Art Sponsorship Award 2023 (Winner), Awarded by the federal government North Rhine-Westphalia
Lecture Series “Halle A Lectures“ East Bavarian technical University of Applied Sciences
19.10.2023 – 21.10.2023
Convention “Circular Sanitation Days“, La Biennale di Venezia 2023

Participants: Dr. Ariane Krause (Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and

Ornamental Crops), Michel Riechmann (EAWAG), Ludovico Centis (The Empire), Eleftheria Xenikakis (Kollektiv für Angepasste Technik)

Organized in partnership with SUMMACUMFEMMER


read more here

20.09.2023 – 21.09.2023
Conference “Wege zur Bauwende“, RPTU Kaiserslautern
Lecture at Archipel Gent “Collectief wonen, anders wonen?”

Op zoek naar collectief wonen als alternatief voor commerciële projectontwikkeling


read more here

Published in Bauwelt 10.2023 “Mehr als Produktion”
20.05.2023 – 26.11.2023
ARCH+ / SUMMACUMFEMMER / BÜRO JULIANE GREB curate the German contribution to the 18th Venice Architecture Biennale 2023

Our concept “Open for Maintenance / Wegen Umbau geöffnet” was selected by the expert commission chaired by Peter Cachola Schmal, Director of Deutsches Architekturmuseum. The commissioner of the contribution is the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Construction. “Open for Maintenance / Wegen Umbau geöffnet” aims to demonstrate the opportunities and potentials of the upcoming tasks for sustainable, social and inclusive architecture and urban design by means of concrete examples – and thus translate the Biennale motto “The Laboratory of the Future” by Lesley Lokko, curator of the 18th Architecture Biennale, into practice. Topics such as repair, maintenance and care as well as new alliances and forms of solidarity in architectural practice are at the center of the German contribution.

Lecture at Symposium Mass Support: Flexibility and Resident Agency in Housing

online symposium and exhibition at The Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture, NY, read more here.

Member of Project Committee Cooperative Housing Project Munich Neufreimann
Die KOOPERATIVE GROSSSTADT eG lobt für Ihren vierten Wohnungsbau einen offenen zweiphasigen Realisierungswettbewerb aus und startet einen offenen Aufruf zur
Teilnahme an alle interessierten Architekt*innen.
Read more here
Lecture at PBSA Düsseldorf, Vortragsreihe Citylab
01.04.2023 – 31.07.2023
International Visiting Professorship at PBSA Düsseldorf

this summer, Juliane Greb holds the International Visiting Professorship at PBSA Düsseldorf. Read more here


Published in A+ 300 Start-up Architecture
Essay in “Deutsches Architektur Jahrbuch 2023”

Essay on DAM Preis finalist project “Scheune Prädikow, Prötzel” by Hütten & Paläste

read more here

Keynote Lecture at the 4th Civic Design Conference “The Non-Sexist City”

“…the 2022 Civic Design Conference “The Non-Sexist City” wants to explore the principles and mechanisms of the Sexist and the Non-Sexist City alike. We want to learn about the historic and contemporary discourse on this subject and establish a vibrant discussion on these issues throughout and beyond our program…”



Lecture at KU Leuven Seminar “Can property be architectural”
Published in Flanders Architectural Review N°15. Alliances with the Real
Lecture at LUH Hannover, Seminar Urban Base
BDA Preis 2022 for social commitment
Published in ARCH+ #246, Contemporary feminist spatial practice
Published in DETAIL 1/2.2022 Colour and Texture
DAM Preis für Architektur in Deutschland 2022

San Riemo (Büro Juliane Greb & Summacumfemmer) wins DAM Preis für Architektur in Deutschland 2022

read more here

Lecture „Wie wir leben wollen“ Architektenkammer Hamburg
Film San Riemo – BAU Kongress „die Zukunft des Wohnens“ München

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJFlyHsrquk (ab 1h 09min)

Keynote Speaker at Baukulturwerkstatt Dortmund “Umbaukultur”
Lecture at TU Kaiserslautern, together with Demo Working Group
Lecture and Guestcritic RWTH Aachen, Gasthaus